// Define dictionaries for hexadecimal conversion
r = {0:0, 1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:4, 5:5, 6:6, 7:7, 8:8, 9:9, 10:”A”, 11:”B”, 12:”C”, 13:”D”, 14:”E”, 15:”F”}

// Loop to create and manipulate a light object
for i in range(20000, 0.1)
// Generate random values for timing and color components
z = round(rnd+20)
k = round(rnd*15)
l = round(rnd*15)
m = round(rnd*15)
n = round(rnd*15)
o = round(rnd*15)
p = round(rnd*15)

// Construct a hexadecimal color code
color = “#” + r[k]+r[l]+r[m]+r[n]+r[o]+r[p]

// Set the light object with the generated color and other properties
setLightObject “Spot1”, color, rnd + 1, “soft”, rnd

// Rotate the light object over time
rotateObject “Spot1”, time*100, time*100, time*100

// Move the light object to a new position
moveObject “Spot1”, k/3, l/3, m/3

// Wait for a short duration before the next iteration
wait z/10
end for

//Move objects by random in an area

y = 12
xMin = -50
xMax = 50
zMin = -100
zMax = -100

x = xMin + rnd * (xMax – xMin)
z = zMin + rnd * (zMax – zMin)
moveObject “eagle” , x , y , z

for i in range(12000)
x2 = xMin + rnd * (xMax – xMin)
z2 = zMin + rnd * (zMax – zMin)
angle = atan(z2-z, x2-x) * 90 / pi

for j in range(100)
x = x + (x2 – x) / 100
z = z + (z2 – z) / 100
moveObject “eagle” , x , y , z
rotateObject “eagle” , 0 , angle , 0

wait 0.01

end for
end for

setLightObject “Light1”, “#FFD700”, 0.4, “soft”, 0.6

sunX = 0
sunY = 100
sunZ = 0

startTime = 12
endTime = 18
timeStep = 0.04

angleStep = 1200 / ((endTime – startTime) / timeStep)

for i in range(startTime, endTime, timeStep)
angle = (i – startTime) * angleStep
xAngle = 90 – angle
yAngle = -angle

rotateObject “Light1”, xAngle, yAngle, 0

wait 0.1
end for

object1 = “btn_video_on”
object2 = “btn_video_off”
object3 = “btn_voice_on”
object4 = “btn_voice_off”
object5 = “VoiceChat1”
object6 = “VideoChat1”
networkCommand object1, “scaleObject”, “0.09, 0.09, 0.0009, 0.4”
networkCommand object2, “scaleObject”, “0.1, 0.1, 0.001, 0.4”
networkCommand object3, “scaleObject”, “0.1, 0.1, 0.001, 0.4”
networkCommand object4, “scaleObject”, “0.09, 0.09, 0.0009, 0.4”
networkCommand object5, “scaleObject”, “1, 0.25, 1, 0.4”
networkCommand object5, “moveObject”, “-5.5, 0.1251, 5.5, 0.4”
networkCommand object6, “scaleObject”, “10, 0.25, 10, 1”
networkCommand object6, “moveObject”, “-2.5, 0.1251, 2.5, 1”

cubeSize = 0.57
spacing = 0.1
sideSize = cubeSize * 3 + spacing * 2
centerX = 0
centerY = 0
centerZ = 0

for i in range(1, 27)

end for

index = 1
for x in range(-1, 1)
for y in range(-1, 1)
for z in range(-1, 1)
if x == 0 and y == 0 and z == 0 then
end if

posX = centerX + x * (cubeSize + spacing)
posY = centerY + y * (cubeSize + spacing)
posZ = centerZ + z * (cubeSize + spacing)

moveObject “Cube” + index, posX, posY, posZ
scaleObject “Cube” + index, cubeSize, cubeSize, cubeSize
wait 0.1
index = index + 1
end for
end for
end for

m = {1: “Hau den Ball ins Tor, nicht den Müll daneben!”,
2: “Sei kein Trottel, wirf den Müll in den Bottel!”,
3: “Biomüll, Restmüll oder Bier? – Bei mir landet alles im richtigen Hier!”,
4: “Volltreffer! Du hast den Mülleimer erwischt!”,
5: “Danke, dass du meinen Hunger stillst… äh, meine Aufgabe erfüllst!”,
6: “Gemeinsam für eine saubere Welt, zeig dein Umwelt-Heldentum!”,
7:”Mülltrennung leicht gemacht: Einfach alles in mich reingekracht!”,
8: “Schmeiß deinen Müll nicht weg, wirf ihn in den Behälter!”, 9:
“Halte deine Umwelt sauber, sei kein Müll-Rabauke!”,
10:”Mit ein bisschen Mühe, bleibt die Umwelt wie neu!”,
11:”Die Natur ist unser Zuhause, lass uns sie nicht vermüllen!”,
12:”Eine saubere Umwelt ist doch klar, schmeiß deinen Müll nicht einfach hin, sei solidar!”}

r= round(rnd*12) + 1
object1 = “trash”
camY = 0.5
mtime = 4
role= “”
sr = “random”
sound = “6”
gpt = “false”
code = “”
ttp = “true”
makeNPC object1, camY, mtime, role, m[r], m[r], m[r], m[r], m[r], sr, sound, gpt, code, ttp
wait 4
rotateObject “trash”, 0, 180, 0

object1 = “Cylinder1”

x = 2
y = 2
z = 2
amplitude = 0.001
frequency = 4
while true
newY = y + amplitude * sin(frequency * time())
newX = x + amplitude * cos(frequency * time())
moveObject object1, newX, newY, z
wait 0.01
end while

aniObject “horse_run” , “1” , “oneshot” , 2
c = 0
y = 0.2
z_c = 0
r = 90
speed = -pi / 32
t = 0
rounds = 500
for i in range(rounds * 400)
    angle = speed * t
    x = c + r * cos(angle)
    z = z_c + r * sin(angle)
    moveObject(“horse_run”, x, y, z)
    rotateObject(“horse_run”, 0, -angle * 180 / pi, 0)
    t = t + 0.1
end for

object1 = “myObject”
y = 11
xMin = 10
xMax = -10
zMin = -20
zMax = -20

endTime = time + 1200
while time < endTime
    x = xMin + rnd * (xMax – xMin)
    z = zMin + rnd * (zMax – zMin)
    moveObject object1 , x , y , z
    scale = 0.1 + rnd
    scaleObject object1 , scale , scale , scale
    wait 0.08
end while

object1 = “Image1”
url1 = “https://metaverse.maliba.de/my-content/images/1.png”,
url2 = “https://metaverse.maliba.de/my-content/images/2.png”,
url3 = “https://metaverse.maliba.de/my-content/images/3.png”,
while true
r = round(rnd*2)
url = “url”
networkCommand object1, “changeTexture”, url

r = round(rnd*50)
s = 42 – r
title = “<b>The Random Number</b>”
x = “The random number “
v = “That’s close. “
w = “The next time, you’ll be right. “
y = “That’s close. The next time, you’ll be right. “
z = 42 – r
a = ” was counted. “
b = “Your are lucky! “
c = “Do you know, what”
d = “That’s fun.”

if r == 42 then
m = x + “<b><size=42>” + r + “</size></b>” + a + “
“+ b
else if r <= 25 then
m = x + “<b>” + r + “</b>” + a + ”   

” + c + s + ” + ” + r + ” is? ” + z + “.”
else if r >= 25 then
m = x + r + a + “
” + v + “
” + w
end if
messageBox title, m

r2 = round(rnd*1) + 1
title = randomcolor + “Quicktip Nr°” + r2 + “</color>”
message = {
1:”This message disappears when you click somewhere.
Type this command to use this message box 

=>  messageBox, sTitle, sMessage”,

for i in range(0,message[r2].len)
t = rnd/10
messageBox title, message[r2][:i]
wait t
end for

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